Love it or hate it, caffeine is everywhere around us whether be in cafes or on the shelves of any inconvience store. Recent influences tell us to not have caffeine in the 30 minutes we are awake - why? Mechanistically, adenosine binds to receptors to drive sleepiness and the hypothesis is that if caffeine binds too early in the morning, it prevents the body from draining all of the adenosine. Cortisol usually helps to wash all of that way. (so should I have a swig of pred after this?)
I have always understood that caffeine competes with the adenosine which makes us tired, but why can it help to improve my focus and have so much evidence in improving muscle activity. In addition to this, why does it make my heart beat faster.
Evidence is here to suggest to go around 3mg per kg of body weight which for me would be around 190mg of caffeine a day for exerting benefits.
Any benefit of having coffee over caffeine tablets. Research in mice, emphasis in mice, show that there are more neural benefits when using the coffee, potentially from the additional benefits from the beans, which may contain the polyphenols.